Boundaries of an actor

Boundaries of an actor

If you are an actor reading this, you probably know what I am talking about: Being on constant standby in entertainment or any other demanding and competitive industry is draining in the long term. Having to say yes to all requests from production, creative cast...

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Control your acting skills for big opportunities I have been confused for so many years about how to be in control of my acting skills and apply them during my greatest opportunities when auditioning. I remember when taking my first international acting class, my...

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Coming out of an abusive relationship… with my job

Coming out of an abusive relationship… with my job

The dark side of the acting business is unexposed. This is probably the most complex topic I am addressing now, and I have been procrastinating for weeks since I started to think about this. Finally, it needed to sink, and I needed to admit it. It is no secret...

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Why do I feel guilty when successful?

Why do I feel guilty when successful?

Guilty of success: shame and guilt occasionally travel through my mind at such speed that I am almost unable to tell them apart. So how can I know for sure which one I experience and why? I am also a linguist, so let’s see what we have here: Shame: painful feeling,...

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